ALICE COOPER And SLASH Featured In Animated Lyric Video For 'Freewheelin'' From Children's Music Album 'Solid Rock Revival'

December 5, 2024

Joe and Judy Norelli, founders of the Norelli Family Foundation, a private nonprofit foundation located in Central Florida, have announced the production of a new album of music for children. Released in August 2024 and nominated for a Grammy Award for "Best Children's Music Album", "Solid Rock Revival" is a full-length studio album featuring performances and song remakes by the ROCK FOR CHILDREN band, headlined by legendary artist Alice Cooper, and featuring other well-known musicians including GUNS N' ROSES' Slash, JUDAS PRIEST's Rob Halford, and RUN DMC's Darryl "DMC" McDaniels. Proceeds from the sale of the album, as well as live concerts and special events, will benefit the Norelli Family Foundation and Alice Cooper's Solid Rock charity based in Phoenix, Arizona.

Cooper, along with his wife Sheryl, founded Solid Rock in 1995 with a mission to make an everlasting difference in the lives of teens in the community. Alice Cooper's Solid Rock Teen Centers inspire teens to discover their talent and achieve artistic excellence through music, dance, and the arts as well as vocational training in sound, lighting, staging, and fellowship, all in a safe, supervised facility. Alice Cooper's The Rock Teen Center Phoenix encompasses an auditorium, dance studio, computer lab and music rooms for guitar, drums, bass, and vocal lessons, a LeRoy Neiman art studio, Spanky's recording studio, and a video studio. A second location was opened in 2021 in Mesa, Arizona and the third location will soon open in Goodyear, Arizona. All programs are free for teens 12 to 20.

The Norelli Family Foundation provides support and assistance to children and young adults in need. Since its inception in 2013, the Foundation has worked tirelessly to help improve the lives of those most in need through partnerships with St. Jude Children's Hospital, Alice Cooper's Solid Rock, New Hope For Kids, Florida USA VB, The Colton Society, The Steve Azar St. Cecilia Foundation and the Sunshine State Kids.

Cooper is lending an exclusive remake of his classic 1970s hit "No More Mr. Nice Guy" to the album. Cooper has re-penned the lyrics and is calling it "Now I'm Mr. Nice Guy". Cooper also recorded "I'm Thirteen", "School's Out, No Bummer" and "Monster Mash". Halford provided lead vocals on "Pleasant Dreams" and DMC contributed to "In The Midday Hour". Slash provided guitar tracks for "Freewheelin'" — a playful duet with Alice and his daughter Calico Cooper — an animated lyric video for which can be seen below. Grammy Award winner 123 Andres performed "Vamos Mis Amigos" and Radio Nube, the eight-and-ten-year-old-sisters rock duo and TikTok sensation from Mexico, recorded "Sugarrush". Additionally, staff and teens from The Rock Teen Centers were directly involved in the production of the album.

Executive producer/producer Joe Norelli teamed up with award-winning engineer, producer, and songwriter Ruben Salas and producer/artist and studio owner Dana Kamide to co-write, produce, and record the album's tracks. Norelli, along with the in-house production duo, oversaw the creation of several classic rock and 1970s remakes as well as new original songs for the album.

Salas is credited in multiple Grammy Award wins and nominations in several different music genres including children's music. He also holds a production credit with a Guinness Record for longest song. In addition to being a producer/artist and studio owner, Kamide is founder of Berliner Microphones and chief engineer of the highly acclaimed Berliner U77 Tube microphone. The U77 was hailed as one of the "Best New Microphones" and landed on the front cover of Pro Audio Review the year it was introduced.

"Music is a powerful tool for inspiration and learning," says Norelli. "We wanted to create an album that not only entertains children but also helps drive a positive and uplifting message. We believe that 'Solid Rock Revival' will do just that, and we're excited to share it with families everywhere."

"Solid Rock Revival" features 13 tracks and is available in various formats, including vinyl, digital download, and streaming. Educational resources to compliment the album, including lyric sheets, activity guides, and lesson plans, which are designed to enhance children's learning experience, will also be made available.

Alice Cooper appears on the album courtesy of earMUSIC, a label of Edel Music & Entertainment GmbH. Rob Halford appears courtesy of Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited. Slash appears courtesy of Revelation Management Group, Darryl "DMC" McDaniels appears courtesy of King Of Rock Entertainment. Steve Azar appears courtesy of Ride Records, and Sophie Dorsten appears courtesy of WorldSound.

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